WORLDWIDE LO-Fi NOGGLES Everey where! reorder

More Lo-Fi Noggles for all the people in all the places

We would love to request funding to create another run of Lo-Fi Noggles, and properly plan the units requested by various members of the global Nouns community and where those units will go (shipping direct from factory).

This avoids chaos and increases production and logistical efficiency. (End result: better and more accurately planned proliferation of Nouns on a global scale).

25K+ Lo-Fi Noggles to supply large-scale IRL events all over the world

These are the high quality cardboard versions of our classic design but created in a flat packed / inexpensive format. Each pair comes packaged with an informative backer card and is easily shipped and distributed at events worldwide. These come packed in 50-piece bundles and can be produced and shipped in very large quantities to Nounify even the biggest events. Each pair of noggles has nouns branding and information leading to the core nouns sites. Backer card has project info scannable Qr codes that lead to @nounish, Nouns dao, nounworks etc

10K units paid for by Nouns DAO (NSFW) and an additional 3K units paid for by Bigshot. All dispersed globally, sold out and gone.

We feel that 20-25K pieces is a small ask based on the popularity and the huge need for affordable and easily shipped Noggles around the world.

This run will improve with heavier cardstack, a 2-sided full color backer card, and a polybag.

$1.95 + shipping, minimum 25K units, no maximum, depending on requests from active Nouns community, event planners and creators.
Worldwide shipping costs average to 350 per carton of 1000X25 cartons

Total ask to produce and ship 25.000Pcs USDC 57.000

Nounworks projects wallet: 0xd25912007EBC2527d4ED9DC536f928E550b0f02C
We need to get a PO and a deposit to the printer immediatly in order to get noggles to everyone all over the world by the NOUNIVERSARy

The rest of the production run (if there are any extras) will be shipped to our warehouse in USA to be allocated and distributed as needed. Warehousing, administrative, and shipping fees TBD after that on a case by case basis. (See next prop which deals with ongoing funding for distribution of Nouns merch to members of the community)

Below is a list of some of the active communities that we are considering, if anyone else has a need for 1000+ pairs of Noggles for an activation, please DM us:

  • Esports 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
  • NOUNS RUNNING 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
  • Nouns Amigos 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
  • NOUNS Africa
  • GNARS 3000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
  • Alps Dao
  • NOUNS WHISKEY 3000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
  • Profwerder 1000 pcs for ongoing local events
  • NOUNS Brazil
  • Nouns Latin America
  • PIZZA DAO 5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events
  • Australian Open
  • NFT Paris
  • Nouns Deli 3000-5000 pcs for ongoing local and global events (australia shipping is very expensive so this one is great for the Aussie team/Nounish

We can also create special branding and a custom backer card if an order is over 3000 pcs.

Any additional / extra units will go to our USA warehouse to be held for future proliferation.

OLD Thread: billed $2.40 per unit

New revised pieces will have heavier stock


This is awesome!

As the founder of the Nouns Running Club, I can say that we REALLY need these. We had a small batch of 30 donated by another grantee, and they went like hotcakes. People really liked them and it was a good way for people to feel good after a run and they just GOT the good vibes.

Cheers to @BigshotKlim for getting it less than $2. It would be good if we can go even lower, but this is a much better price than the current ones already. It’s definitely a step in the right direction!


@BigshotKlim thanks so much for your ongoing support of our global community!


nothing makes me happier than seeing our products being enjoyed by so many people many of whom are finding nouns for the very first time. This is why I have been working so hard to make all of these items the best that they can be =) we are just getting started


I think this is a good idea. A low budget option to nounify any event should exist and I believe this is it!

The Nouns Running Club is ready to receive and distribute these, can’t wait to see this on-chain.

Over the next year, we should be able to distribute 3000-5000 over our 10+ cities where we are trying to build a grassroots community. That’s not counting the fact that we’re also doing runs at crypto conference side-events, where we get a lot more attendees.

We need this sooner rather than later. The fact is, we’re already considering producing our own with our own club budget, but it would be quite expensive and time consuming. It would be much more capital efficient for the DAO to make a huge number of these with Klim so our club can focus on other swag and our own methods of proliferation.


We definitely need those for Nouns in Rio/NounsBR events!


Noggles set the vibes for any IRL event! Definitely needed for Nouns Amigos community ⌐◨-◨


Be very keen to reserve 2500 pieces for Gnars and Art Haus related events! What are the next steps to do so?


Need to get everyone to commit to a number the big packs are shipped in single boxes
For big builders like you perhaps you can team up with the Nouns Deli, NOUNish and Australian open again and take 5000 pcs at a clip to save shipping costs . This is the most economical and efficient way to get great quality Noggles everywhere. Obviously anyone is free to make their own versions but there should be the highest possible quality option that has information that leads directly back to the Dao and NOUNish community links

1,000 copies per carton

550 x 430 x 230mm

18.00kgs per carton

Average cost to ship worldwide is 350 per carton HK 95 Brazil 500(sorry but this is exactly why the dao should fund this as a needed Utility, in many cases the shipping is more expensive than the product and the builders either go without, or struggle to make them themselves with inferior results or I have to send them myself which is extremley expensive for me to absorb personally, but i have done so on multiple occasions )

TOTAL ASK to make and ship 25K pcs is around 58K USDC
to our NOUNWORKS projects acc 0xd25912007EBC2527d4ED9DC536f928E550b0f02C

We looked into doing custom branding for large orders but it has proven to be a logistics nightmare since there is no consistant art But we can add all the key groups on the card possibly a QR code to a dao community site that has all the links etc

then we can talk about PART 2

they are definitely a hit in IRL events in brazil. today we put then in a band, they wear almost the whole show hehehehe.

can I get 1000 for gnars events , 1000 for nounsbr events and 1000 more for general crypto events?

Hi Guys, this is awesome! We could distribute 3000 of them.

Love BigShots Lofi noggles and more importantly, those I’ve given them too really love them! Whenever I’m at events wearing my big FunNoggles, I take a lot of nounish selfies with people and they always ask about the noggles so it’s great to be able to hand them the paper version. Just a look at my twitter feed and you’ll see a multitude of smiling noggled faces. We desparately need these before August 8 for wide distribution! Take a look at my Hack Week entry for some recent proliferation with lofi noggles during Miami NFT week. Having these available for free to handout was key.


Peanuts from PizzaDAO here! Was incredibly excited to be able to distribute these at our Global Pizza Event. Also, having them at our events offered another layer of experience for our party attendees by offering them as a “prop-for-participation” (it was great for attendees to be able to jump in a photo or video and play “pass the noggles,” etc…while meeting up for some pizza). Enjoy the energy this can bring to events all over! Would love to get a bunch for future events!

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How many Noggles do you guys imagine needing? these were a huge hit at all teh Pizza day parties. What if you teamed up with @skateordao and GNARS and PIZZAdao to do some really cool global stuff for the NOUNIVERSARY? @profwerder @adrianmcli @Nouns-Whisky @mikegood @joshuafisher

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I could see us using up to 5000! People do ask about them—even after The Global Pizza Party as to where people got them!

Lo-Fi Noggles are more than just fun cardboard eyewear for Mucho Love. They serve as a tangible manifestation of the spirit and ethos of our organization. As we engage in our various activations, these Noggles serve as an icebreaker, a conversation starter, and a symbol of our commitment to spreading joy and positivity. They enhance our content’s recognizability, making it stand out and resonate with audiences familiar with Nouns. They are instrumental in fostering community, spreading our message, and enhancing the impact of our work.


@BigshotKlim Nounsinsg and NounsCN would be keen to be added into the distributor list

Could distribute 1000 of them for Singapore and 2000 for China, to be distributed during local events / Nouns activation.


WIll be happy to supply you with Noggles, you are doing a great job on activations, and I would love to ge t you the highest quality products for your events This prop is for 25K and if it passes we will allocate quantities accordingly. THanks so much for your support

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We are going to put the prop back up for a vote since a major long holiday weekend left some votes uncast. Would love to get a sense of the realistic numbers that communities will need and use over a 6 month stretch. @Aubtoshi @necfas @Benbodhi @skateordao @adrianmcli @Wideeyekarl @Nouns-Whisky @joshuafisher and others Please send me your numbers and I will review the totals and allocate accordingly. @snax @Edom Do you have activations planned with Pizza Dao this year? 5000 is a lot, perhaps 1000 or so would be a better start? Please let me know your plans

Thanks everyone for your support