NOUNS have been becoming better known every day and Brazil has an important role in this growth. Many events that are responsible for promoting the WEB 3 industry have happened in the country. With that in mind, we have the pleasure to present to the community the first NOUNISH physical space.
We have the opportunity to reach thousands of people by building a physical area entirely focused on NOUNS. Not only does nothing like this exist yet, it’s something that, if executed in the right way, it’s easily replicated, helping to spread Noun’s name exponentially.
Coffee Shops are places where thousands of people come together to share experience and close deals. When associating this fact with the opportunity to make the first physical space which will be entirely focused on spreading Noun’s name, we have the pleasure to introduce Noun’s Coffee Shop
People will sit at a noun-themed table, drink coffee from a themed mug, and their orders will be personalized as well. It’s important to add we can use decentralized concept in our Menu, which means, besides we offer brazilian dishes, we are able to, from time to time, update and add dishes from all over the globe, showing our commitment to bring new people to the NOUNIVERSE, independent who these people are, what they do or where they are form, they’ll be part of our community.
It’s also important to say that all things we’re going to do will be shared with the community, so if some people in someplace want to do the same they’ll have everything we used.
Renovate a coffee shop which already exists and has been operating for 20 years in the heart of São Paulo next to Paulista avenue, located at Frei Caneca Mall. The main idea is to turn it into a place where all customers who come to visit feel comfortable and realize that they are in a unique place. This establishment will become the first meeting place for people who like NFT, WEB3, CRYPTO. It’ll help build a local community which will use the NOUNIVERSE as a basis to grow. By the time people feel how special the environment is, they’ll want to share with the rest of the world, using their social networks, pushing Noun’s name in a huge way.
1) Renovate a coffee shop
We’re going to use a coffee shop we already own and make a renovation. All visuals will be updated to a nourish themed model. An architecture firm that works with renovating Mall’s stores will be hired. The choice of professionals aims to deliver the best quality to the community. Nouns coffee shop will be an immersive experience that will also bring thousands of people to know NOUNS.
2) Nounish Products
In addition to the themed space, the crockery and uniforms will also be themed.
We’re planning to buy and offer to the customers Noun’s Coffee (Prop#84)
3) 100 giveaways for the 100 first customers who complete a task.
We’ll create a specific area with some references from the NOUN’s world for people to take pictures.
By doing this and tagging us, the first 100 customers will receive a themed-noun mug. Besides pushing the Nouninverse sharings pics and videos, we’ll also give a personalized item from our community, bringing people closer to us.
4) Opening event
After the renovation is completed, we’ll be promoting an opening event. Influent people are going to be invited.
Build a physical spot where people can gather to discuss WEB3/NFT/CRYPTO using Noun’s concept as the basis. Being validated, we’d like to help other people around the world to replicate it, showing we have no barriers.
Iagosnew - Project Lead/Influencer/LiLNouner#5997 (Coffee Shop Owner)
Ramon - Advisor/Nouncillor
Tato - Prop Writer/Translator
Dudonha - Dev
Roberta - Talent manager
We’ll create a website to explain everything, step by step, and it’ll be used for promoting our nounish space.
Work Project + Execution = 87 ETH
- Architecture Firm - 22 ETH
- Engineer - 12 ETH
- Woodwork - 7 ETH
- Equipments - 4 ETH
- appliances - 7 ETH
- metals - 2 ETH
- covering - 7 ETH
- detailed engineering design - 10 ETH
- detailed 3D models - 6 ETH
- Work Monitoring - 10 ETH
Management = 23 ETH
Business consulting = 15ETH
Menu (new cheff) = 14ETH
Team = 15ETH
Brand Desing = 10ETH
Marketing = 10ETH
Opening = 7ETH
total = 181ETH
*due to volatility we’ve calculated the price based on eth = $1300,00