A broadcast news version of the NounsDAO Newsletter with noggles wearing AI-generated anchor avatars ⌐◨-◨
Based on maty’s weekly Newsletter, AI-generated avatars will deliver the hottest Nouns news every week in less than 1 minute.
And thanks to fiveoceans_dev’s Instagram filter, the newscasters/TV anchors will be wearing the noggles ⌐◨-◨
A fun and quick way to learn about the latest news in the Nouniverse.
We are ready to go. Check our Youtube link below.
Once approved/funded we will run the experiment for 4 weeks.
4 editions of the Nouns News.
If successful, after the first 4 editions, there is plenty of room to grow.
Most importantly, we have around 60 languages available to us. The same videos could be easily tailored to different markets/countries.
We are also keen to help with instructional videos in a similar format. We can add whiteboard/doodle videos with Nouns artwork.
A custom avatar. We can 3D scan one member of the community to become our unique AI anchorperson.
Leo Clark: @leoclark, Discord: leoclark.eth ⌐◨-◨#2267
Filmmaker obsessed with NFTs and Nouns evangelist.
Maty: @matyETH, Discord: maty#0984
A self-proclaimed devil’s advocate, nouns newsletter creator and a founding member of nouncil.
Pajas: Discord: Pajas#4310
A happy newbie having fun with animations and graphic design.
Here is our first draft:
Nouns News 00
Thank you for reading and watching!