Small Grants - NOUNS NEWS


A broadcast news version of the NounsDAO Newsletter with noggles wearing AI-generated anchor avatars ⌐◨-◨


Based on maty’s weekly Newsletter, AI-generated avatars will deliver the hottest Nouns news every week in less than 1 minute.
And thanks to fiveoceans_dev’s Instagram filter, the newscasters/TV anchors will be wearing the noggles ⌐◨-◨


A fun and quick way to learn about the latest news in the Nouniverse.


We are ready to go. Check our Youtube link below.

Once approved/funded we will run the experiment for 4 weeks.

4 editions of the Nouns News.




If successful, after the first 4 editions, there is plenty of room to grow.

  • Most importantly, we have around 60 languages available to us. The same videos could be easily tailored to different markets/countries.

  • We are also keen to help with instructional videos in a similar format. We can add whiteboard/doodle videos with Nouns artwork.

  • A custom avatar. We can 3D scan one member of the community to become our unique AI anchorperson.


Leo Clark: @leoclark, Discord: leoclark.eth ⌐◨-◨#2267

Filmmaker obsessed with NFTs and Nouns evangelist.

Maty: @matyETH, Discord: maty#0984

A self-proclaimed devil’s advocate, nouns newsletter creator and a founding member of nouncil.

Pajas: Discord: Pajas#4310

A happy newbie having fun with animations and graphic design.


Here is our first draft:
Nouns News 00

Thank you for reading and watching!

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hey, sorry guys, but small grants is not going to fund this at this time but i appreciate the time and energy you put into the proposal. the news anchors reciting 10 lines of a script without any passion or soul just feels kinda empty, i think this content is better served in a text newsletter

Hey Noun22,

Thanks for your feedback.
I do appreciate you taking the time and pointing out what does not feel right to you.
We are experimenting with the tools and will keep working on improving this idea.

Let’s see where we go :pray:
Cheers :facepunch:

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