Proposal: help raise 100E for homeless families

Hey Nouners :sparkling_heart:, I’m trying to raise 100E to donate to Compass Family Services a charity in San Fransisco that helps homeless families get back on their feet.

I minted an NFT in Feb for it on Foundation, but I burned and re-minted recently so I could do a profit split with Endaoment who’s going to send the money directly to Compass. I also made a PartyDao partybid so that anyone can donate any amount of Eth as well. I’ve been in touch with Compass SF, and PartyDao and they’re both super excited about it, I’m hoping PartyDao can help promote the charity drive as well. I think PartyDao and Foundation could be open to donating their share of the sale once it happens, Im already in touch with them about that

I’d love it if the Noun community could contribute to this cause and help make this happen! It’s for a really good cause and my whole intention is to help people who need it most. I donated 1E myself, and I’ve personally donated about $35k over the last year directly to people in need. I grew up pretty poor so I feel like it’s my responsibility to help people now that I can.

Here’s my proposal:

  • What if one of the next Nouns was dedicated to helping this cause? It could have some cool special artwork, be announced ahead of time that it was going to charity and maybe we could pass the 100E goal

  • Or maybe there’s a set period of time where NounsDAO agrees to match individual contributions? And we have a big twitter space party and get a bunch of individuals to try and donate?

I’m 100% open to other ideas if you have another idea on how this might work let me know

If there’s interest, we could even just cut out Foundation and PartyDao party bid system out of the equation, and I can burn this NFT entirely – I don’t need this to be about me or the NFT I made – as long as the ETH helps these people thats all I actually care about

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