Digital art exhibition

Hi Nouners. I am planning a digital art exhibition on billboards throughout July for Plastic Free July.
12-15 great artists have created work around theme of the oceans, plastic pollution, consumerism and environmental themes in general. These will be displayed on billboards across different cities to millions of people around the world to inspire, educate and encourage one and all to live a more sustainable life. We can also mint some of the art as editions and we may do some social challenges with rewards to encourage plastic free living. Also there will be lots of social and some press about it all. We have done this for the last 4 years and everyone loves it - as it not only highlights an important environmental issue, but also supports and showcases digital artist and brings art into the public realm for all to see whilst using adverting for good.

This event will proliferate Nouns by:

  • Creating awareness of the nouns brand within the general public & web2 community (the millions of people that see the billboards).
  • Having the logo on each billboard for brand awareness.
  • Community engagement with a nouns themed art competition on the theme of the exhibition with the winner being featured in the billboard exhibition.
  • Showing that the Nouns brand cares for people & the planet. Fostering a sense of trust for the brand.
  • Raising awareness of environmental issues within the community and helping to educate, inspire and shift behaviours.
  • Social media & press about the exhibition helping to drive engagement and attract new supporters & followers to the Nouns community.
  • Utilising web3 & NFTs for good & social impact.
  • This can also be part of Onchain Summer and amplified through that.

Funding - 2 Eth

  • Production
  • Design
  • Social
  • Press
  • Minting

Other information:

  • Each year the billboards have been seen by 20 million+ people
  • Each year we have had around 800,000 lifetime views across online & social
  • We also managed to plant 2000 trees one year from auctioning the digital art

What does everyone think


Hey miss_t, thanks for putting together this proposal together.

  1. Who is covering the cost of the billboards? Is the 2 ETH requested in the meant to cover these costs, or are there additional sponsors or partnerships involved?

  2. Can you provide more details on the cities where they will be displayed?

Hi @waterdrops - thanks so much for your response.

  • There’s no other sponsors involved at present. I normally just try to get one sponsor.

  • In terms of the billboards, I am trying to keep the grant cost down, so we can wait & see what is available and in which city. But yes I am in contact with different billboard companies as partners.

  • Previously it has been displayed
    all across the UK for 4 weeks, all across the Netherlands for 4-5 weeks, in Times Square New York for 2 weeks, all across Denmark for 4 weeks, on a billboard in LA for 2 weeks and on the largest billboard in Singapore for 1 week.

  • I will probably see if we can get it across 2 cities at least.

  • The more cities it goes across at the same time, the more design & artwork is involved in prepping the billboard artwork & videos - as all the billboards are different sizes.

The 2 Eth is for the following costs:

  • Production
  • Design
  • Social
  • Press
  • Minting
  • Photography

(Obviously it is worth lots more but I want to keep the grant funding request as low as possible so we can do it :slight_smile:

  • Also what might be fun is to have a little noun which fits with the theme poking in the bottom corner of each billboard (like the shark ones etc).

  • And we can have the logo and or url/handle of the sponsor on each billboard of course and mentioned in any social and the press release.