Small Grants: Nounish Lego Blockheadz

Fellow Nouners

I have been working with a talented Lego builder on a one off commission to make me a duck Noun in the style of a Blockheadz. He has totally smashed it out of the park, and it’s got me thinking bigger…

Instagram is full of Lego Blockheadz enthusiasts posting and sharing these customised characters from any movie, TV show or pop culture source you can name.

My proposal would be to engage my new friend Roland to work with him on translating as many Nouns as are feasibly translatable into Lego, and to share them on IG / Twitter / Pinterest / etc.

I feel that this would be another really fun and accessible way to introduce Nouns to people outside of the NFT community and help attempt to cement Nouns into pop culture at large by tapping into the Blockheadz community of builders and appreciators.

With Voadz already in the process of creating their own incredible Lego sets, I feel that additional (but different) Lego projects will only double down on the visibility to the Lego community.

I am asking for a grant of 2E to fund a thorough exploration, culminating with a set of instructions which would be made available to all (sensible permanent location of PDF instructions to be discussed), so that anyone could make their own Nounish Lego Blockheadz for just the cost of the relevant Lego pieces. Parts list complete with numbers for easy sourcing would be included.

Thank you for considering my proposal.

Best, Ian

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This sounds really cool. What kind of timeline do you envision for this from start to finish?

It does of course depend on how many we end up making. My thinking is that taking into consideration work, family and other commitments, and allowing for some of the Noun head traits not working out when translating to Lego, I think we should be able to manage around 3-4 final builds / instructions per week

In an ideal world we are going to aim for a round total of 50 successful Lego Noun head traits, we are looking at 3/4 months to create all 50. So that would break 2E down into 0.04E per successful build between us

My thinking is to share the 3D renders as and when Roland and I are happy with them, linking to the instructions each time. I’m wondering if there might be a Nouns Notion page solution to house them permanently that I could edit each week as the instructions were finished?

I am now wondering about the additional idea of me sourcing and ordering the parts, smartly packaging them into sets (I’m a graphic designer so would be all over this) and giving them away on Twitter in exchange for retweets to make a bit of noise about the project. What do you think?

It’s hard to estimate how much each set would cost to assemble however, as the parts for Brickheadz builds always have to be sourced from multiple Lego resellers and the cumulative postage, sometimes for a single part, can be surprising especially if the seller is in a different world zone. I would guess that once you take packaging and subsequent worldwide postage to the winner into account, plus a little for my time, it would be anything up to 0.1E per giveaway

Not integral to the prop, just an add-on idea if you and the committee were feeling flush :slight_smile:

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Sounds good - SG will fund this for 2 ETH. Please send me a DM on Discord NOUN22#7841 to discuss!

I really like your idea of doing a giveaway with all the parts included. I think these are cool but I would not spend the time and energy to source the legos from multiple sources all over the world and I think that convenience + social media engagement would be really important for this to succeed. Beyond contests, you could also sell the sets

I’m wondering if there might be a Nouns Notion page solution to house them permanently that I could edit each week as the instructions were finished?

I think the best solution is to make your own Notion for this purpose


Thank you, very exciting to see what wacky and wonderful things will come out of this!

Sent you a friend request in Discord :slight_smile:

Love to see more nounish physicals in the future! Hello Lego Bros :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: