Requesting for 1.85ETH to organized a local beach clean up.
As we all known tons of waste are generated/washed up ashore daily. Cleanups remove hazards from our shorelines, raise awareness, connect communities, save marine animals, preserve our natural treasures, keep toxic chemical out of the water and create a safer and greener environment for us and for future us.
To clean up local beach, advocate on environment preservation, spread & share about Nouns DAO and our nounish ethos.
Charitable and green initiatives allow Nouns DAO to reach out to audience who are generous and kind at heart to begin with, to share the mission of proliferation of Nouns branding. To be able to spread our nounish footprint to more non-profit organization extending our nounish helping hand to everybody and anybody around the globe.
- Nounish Merch (1ETH)
- Tools (0.55ETH)
- Refreshment (0.2ETH)
- Transport (0.1ETH)
1. Nounish merch to be given to volunteers as a token of participation.
- Nounish Dad Cap (Given to first 15 volunteers)
- Nounish T-shirt (Given to all volunteers; Est 30 qty)
Volunteers will be able to rep Nouns branding during the event + serve as a mini PR campaign as well. All merch that are not given out during this first session will be given out to new volunteer(s) in the subsequent session.
Merch Mock up:
2. Tools required are mainly; anti cut gloves, mask, wagon cart (to transport trash collected), cutter, bucket, metal tongs, first aid kit. These tools will be reuse for all subsequent Nounish beach clean up (except mask)
3. Refreshment to be provide to volunteers.
A simple brunch with all the volunteers once the clean up is concluded (Est 3hrs duration). To serve as a token of appreciation as well as a time to connect and advocate about our course.
4. Transport funding to cover logistic as I will be managing this alone. From purchasing tools, bringing them to meet up point, etc.
TOTAL ASK: 1.85ETH or USD1,850
Upon receiving funds:
Week 1 to 2 - Purchase Tools + Merch Production + Open volunteering application to local community
Week 3 - Commence Beach Clean Up (Duration: Est 3hrs)
Photos will be taken and updated on twitter @WideEyeKarl to serve as proof to event.
Volunteers who participated in our first round of beach clean up will be invited for our subsequent beach clean up. Tools purchased can be re-used thus no fresh funds are required. For new volunteer(s) that are joining us in our subsequent clean up, they will be given our nounish merch if there are any left overs. Fresh funds might be needed to create more merch when new pool of volunteers grow.
To also explore other charitable and green initiatives.