I propose to create 3D Nouns characters inspired by The Meebits project, as well as interiors and exteriors for them in Nouns style
As part of this project, I plan to create a complete collection of Nouns in 3D with different clothes
Since everyone has different views on clothes and the style of the character himself, I propose to create a discord channel for this project, in which the reaction method will determine whether each character is liked in the current version, or whether it needs to be improved, similarly with interiors and exteriors for them
That is, I would like to have constant feedback from the community
These characters will also be animated for later use in The SandBox Game, the characters will not be for sale, if a person owns Nouns, he will receive a 3D version of his character in formats (.vox
- MagicaVoxel, .vrx - The SandBox Game, .glb and .fbx, .obj - Mixamo)
Working process:
an average of 5 characters will be published every day, character owners get access to the files
Together with the publication of characters, interiors and exteriors will be periodically published, such as:
several types of cafes, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, exhibition galleries, houses, hotels, yachts in general, everything that will be used in the game in the future
As funding, I ask for 2 ETH, this amount will be enough until the start of the development of the game itself
You may have already seen our work from the discord, we publish them in the PropHouse, General channels and on the PropHouse discord server
Vladislav and Anna, Discord: annetka#4315
Nouns Cafe
Nouns Swimming Pool
NounPunk NightClub - (in developing)
3D nounish voxel characters
Animation example, alpha version
An example of using the .fbx, .glb format in AR
An important clarification, the characters will be supplied in two versions:
cassic version of Nouns glasses, author’s version of Nouns 3D glasses