Small Grant: Nouns x kek2earn


We’re proposing to integrate Nouns into kek2earn, a telegram bot that rewards users for watching memes, creating an interactive and enjoyable experience for meme enthusiasts like us.

We’re seeking $5,000 USD (~3ETH) which covers the development (1 month) for the features.

We also plan to add characters to the bot, who can be upgraded using tokens.
We are passionate about NFT interoperability and our project contributes to this like no other. We are looking for sponsorship from Nouns DAO to develop our project and inform more users about the Nouns brand.


We want to entertain and educate users about Nouns DAO and NFTs in a simple and fun way by sending them memes featuring Nouns NFTs and rewarding them for viewing, rating, or sharing them. We also want to promote the Nouns DAO brand and community by using Nouns NFTs in our project.

Bot features that already exist

  • A meme sender that can send memes featuring Nouns NFTs to users or groups
  • A rating system that allows users to rate the memes they receive, and a leaderboard that shows the most popular memes and users.
  • A reward system that gives users tokens for viewing, rating, or sharing memes.


What will be done

A character system that allows users to choose and customize their own characters, who can be upgraded using tokens and become Nouns or other NFT collections (by Nouns DAO). The characters will have their own stories, which will be generated manually at first and later using neural networks and user-generated content.

Why a Telegram Bot?

Telegram bots are easy to use and have a large user base. They can also integrate with other platforms and services through APIs.
Those who use this bot get to enjoy memes and NFTs in a fun, interactive way and it is likely they’d introduce it to their friends and other meme lovers they know or meet.

How Long Will It Take To Produce?

MVP is already released. Features related to Nouns will be released after 1 month. The bot will be available on Telegram for anyone to use.

Why Should You Vote For This Bot?

We feel like it’s time there was a completely meme-based bot that can integrate Nouns DAO and NFTs into its features and rewards.

The bot model allows for a simple way for users to discover and enjoy Nouns DAO and NFTs, but also brings exposure to the Nouns DAO brand and community.

All of the content for this bot will be open source and will be available to the public, so that we can update it over time and add more features to the bot.

Our passion

We are passionate about NFT interoperability and our project contributes to this like no other. This creates a more diverse and inclusive NFT community, where users can enjoy and share memes and NFTs from different sources and backgrounds.

We are looking for sponsorship from Nouns DAO to develop our project and inform more users about the Nouns brand. We believe that our project aligns with the vision and mission of Nouns DAO, which is to make a positive impact by funding ideas and fostering collaboration. By sponsoring us, you can help us scale our project faster and reach more users. You can also benefit from our promotion of the Nouns DAO brand and community through our bot.

You’ve seen and love our work with the kek2earn bot we’ve created, let’s make it even better with Nouns!

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