Small Grants: nftq <> Nouns

TLDR; Integrating Nouns to nftQ and making you guys our advisors of the platform

check us out on:

nftQ is a platform dedicated to creating and connecting communities around digital assets like NFTs. Every nft collection deployed on the blockchain will automatically have its own hub, how cool is that!

We started recently and we really want this project to go big and onboard more users! We think Nouns is a very cool community and we would like to partner with you, to be our first official users, help us with feedback, design to make the product better and make it the best place for nfts!!

If you guys can help us to get started, help us pay for the infrastructure, development and marketing, that would be awesome!

Happy to talk more about the project to validate the idea!

7Ξ would be enough to get our project rolling further, but I’m open to discussion :slightly_smiling_face:

I am also following the discussions and i noticed that you guys are in search for something innovative, work with us hehe and let’s make that reaaaalll