NSFW: DinoNouns | Interactive On-chain NFT

NSFW: DinoNouns | Interactive On-chain NFT


  • Develop an interactive NFT experience using Nouns assets (Dino head-based Nouns)
  • On-chain interactive NFT leveraging animation_url in NFT metadata
  • On-chain HTML, CSS and JS with option for customization
  • Sandbox for creating a new interactive experience for the Nouns ecosystem
  • 2 months of work for refining, adding features, and open-sourcing

Ideas ⌐◨-◨

Ohaiii NounsDAO, I’m Nero One, an active member of NounsMY!

I love to experiment and explore different mediums and NFT, it opens up a new way of doing even more than we could before.

I’ve seen some of the stuff people have been doing in the space and it inspires me a lot! But I saw a lack of creation/innovation in terms of interactive NFT.


So I’ve been thinking, what if DinoNouns can be interactive and at the same time the whole thing is all on-chain? What if we can teach the character some words so it can reply us back? Make it jump? Perhaps changing the DinoTerminal skins? It would be cool to play with!

Before I continue, here’s a quick note on my past projects:

Past Project

I’ve worked on several Interactive NFT projects and most of it was off-chain, COMLINK+ (pointed to a hosted site), tulsv1 (uploaded to IPFS).

Fully On-Chain?

However this time I wanted to fully put the whole HTML on-chain + interactive.

So to achieve this, all assets need to be encoded in base64 (HTML, CSS, JS, fonts) and to be included in the smart contract. Oh and I’m using vanilla HTML, CSS and JS to make it simple as possible without any other dependencies.

Nouns SVG

For Nouns SVG generation, I’m currently using NounsDescriptorV2 contract to generate on-chain SVG for DinoNouns. To be used in both of the image (in teh metadata) and in the HTML itself.

Seed for the generation is based on Dino name and tokenId of the NFT:

uint256 pseudorandomness = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name, _id)));

Dynamic NFT?

Each Dino name is stored on-chain and to change it, you’re required to interact with the DinoNouns contract. Changing name will reroll the Dino .

Do you want to re-skin your DinoTerminal? You can do it! Customize your CSS and put that into the contract! Oh, it’s token mapped. So if you do for your token, only u get the custom CSS!

Summary ⌐◨-◨


The token is the canvas - Nahiko

To bring awareness on on-chain interactive NFT and how the community can utilise it


  1. NounsDAO community can fork, experiment and play with their own idea/interaction they want to bring into their project.
  2. Opening up new possibilities for future Nouns fork to embed interaction within the project


  1. Build HTML-based interaction with UI/UX
  2. Create smart contract architecture for the on-chain interaction and utilisation of HTML, JS and CSS.
  3. Make use of the existing Nouns ecosystem [NounsDescriptor and NounsSeeder]
  4. Refine the codebase for future fork
  5. Open-source it!


  1. I have built the MVP (minimum viable product) for the project. This includes:
  2. Report and updates will be posted on my social media and discourse.
  3. Refine, add features and prepare the repo for open-source


  • Text-based command interaction
  • Dynamic on-chain name
  • CSS Animation
  • Utility commands
  • Dynamic favicon and title (only if you view it in a separate tab)
  • Custom CSS
  • Teach your dino wordsssss~
  • Commands have a 30% chance to fail - hehehehe
  • Map commands to button :slight_smile:
  • Use keyboard shortcut [a,b,x,y] for the buttons
  • and more…


List of commands

Command Desc Usage eg
/dino give temporary nickname /dino [name] /dino abu
/run make dino run /run /run
/jump make dino jump /jump /jump
/clear clear logs /clear /clear
/reset reset to default dino /reset /reset
/map map command to button /map [btn][command] /map a run
/teach teach your dino words! /teach [word] [reply] /teach yo whatsupp!
/help help command /help [command] /help [cmd]
[any] dino will say it back [any] hi
nouns Link to nouns.wtf nouns nouns
center Link to nouns.center center center

You can create yours too if you fork the project! :slight_smile:

Budget Breakdown ⌐◨-◨

I’m asking for:

Payable to neroone.eth || 0xA6c0F7bde119930fB919ed02F8155887EcF0D756 :grin:

oh ya guysss, please let me know about anything~

Thank you for reading. wohohoooooooo~ :pray::pray:

p/s: Thanks to @Voadz, my fellow NounsMY for helping out! :slight_smile:


Example of the on-chain customization:

Custom name for each token id

Here I’m changing the Dino name from the default DinoNouns-1 to miao

Link to the setDinoName function on contract

Custom CSS for each token id

Next is custom CSS for DinoNouns-2

here’s the CSS code i use to custom it :slight_smile: it’s token-mapped. so u can custom for your own token! :slight_smile:


Link to the setCustomCSS function on contract

Just a quick update. Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

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Just wanted to see if you have talked to the composables team who have a prophouse up right now:

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hi @Sam!, no not yet. I was deep working on this mostly this month lol.

Oh their proposal is coooool! will look into it! :slight_smile:


Progress and content dump

Love the art, cool project – Took me a bit of digging through all the links to find your demo and designs, so I put them all together in a card here to make it easier for people to see all the work you’ve done! Good luck with the proposal.

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thanks ncc! appreciate your effort to compile those into seam cards! waaaa. can’t thank you enough!

sorry for tagging you, @noun22

I need some feedback on this to check if the retroactive fund fits.

Please let me know and thanks in advance! :slight_smile: :pray::pray:

hi @noun22 and NSFW team, just checking if the idea works or is feasible. could you get back on this, please? thanks

Hey @neroone, in the past NSFW has at most helped out with deployment costs for nounish extensions. Its quite an interesting project youre working on but i dont see what the benefit is for NounsDAO?

Thanks, maty for the reply. As I mentioned in the objective, it is to encourage nouns builder/new nouns fork to experiment more with interactive NFT and I’m working on making it open source. I want a different type of NFT to be part of the ecosystem and would love it if we’re not stuck at the same PFP/static image type of NFT.

At least we can see more innovation coming from future nounish forks. That’s all I wanted and with this, I thought I could contribute to it.

If the community thinks this proposal doesn’t fit in the nouns ecosystem, I would love it if NFSW could help me with the deployment cost. The project was meant to be given/minted for free for people to play around with.

But looking at the current situation, if this proposal does not go well, I’d just let people mint it out for cheap, at least to cover my development cost for this project.