Nounish Punks, gaming project backed by Nouns dao seems to be a rug!
A hacker exploited the smart contract, minting 1500 items and accepting bids therefore the team locked the contract.
The way this hack is being handled just shows how poor the management is. The communication after this mess has been a disaster. Three weeks and still there is no new contract, no communication.
This is a project backed by Nouns dao so Nouns dao has to refund holders and biders who got affected.
Yeah this is a terrible look for the Nouns DAO.
These guys legit don’t care at all. Ignored the ThirdWeb warning for three days until someone minted off a bunch more NFTs and dumped them on unsuspecting bidders.
Making matters even worse they have ignored holders and seem to be running off with the money from the DAO as well.
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Yeah they ignored all the security warnings!
Who would have trusted them without “backed by Nouns Dao”. Now it is Dao’s responsibility to refund holders.
Almost a month has passed since the rug. Make new contract or refund money to all holders. SHAME ON YOU
geeeez! that sucks, sorry to hear that happened.