Small Grants: Nounish Equivalence, Governance Dashboard Implemented

TLDR: Lil Noun Builders ported a governance dashboard from Lil Nouns DAO to Nouns DAO. Like EVM Equivalence, this example of Nounish Equivalence is an invitation to interoperability between two DAOs which provokes positive externalities for the Nouns ecosystem.

As holders and builders of Lil Nouns, understanding governance has always been top of mind, we (contributing members of Lil Nouns Datapod) recently created a comprehensive governance dashboard for Lil Nouns. Given that Lil Nouns DAO is forked from Nouns DAO, most of the contracts and data models are the same or similar. This similarity and our unique perspective as active participants in Lil Nouns culture and governance enabled us to create a body of work for Lil Nouns, some of which has been ported over to Nouns DAO in this discourse. There are several Dashboards for Nouns and Lil Nouns DAO; however this dashboard takes a deep dive into our governance metrics, allowing users to drill down on the data of every individual proposal placed on chain - providing unique insight into governance health.

This type of interoperability between Lil Nouns and Nouns DAO work, made it possible for us to build a governance solution for Lil Nouns that could be efficiently ported to Nouns DAO. When working on this project, the concept of EVM Equivalence stood out to us, and how its analogy could be applied to Nouns and Lil Nouns. Although the example is not technically equivalent, its analogy holds strong. This is not an exercise in copy-pasta work - Like EVM Equivalence, this is an invitation to interoperability between two DAOs which provokes positive externalities for the Nouns ecosystem.


  • Components:
  1. Nouns Distribution
  2. Supply vs Unique users, over time
  3. Nouns Holders and Voter stats
  4. Nouns Voters and quorum over time
  5. Voters per proposals
  6. Unique Votes per proposal
  7. Total Votes, Turnout
  8. Unique Voters Turnout
  9. Nouns Proposals: state, request, total votes, total voters, quorum, yes-no-abstain, supply, and description
  10. Nouns Votes, ordered by voting time
  11. Proposal specific analysis: unique voters, total votes, quorum required, total supply at proposal time, unique holders at proposal time, voter weight visualized, unique wallets visualized, total votes visualized, and voter reason.
  12. Aside: (additional dashboard, funded by Lil grants) Nouns vs Lil Nouns Link: Lil Nouns x Nouns ( Lil Nouns x Nouns (

Future Work for Lil Nouns Governance Dashboard - (That can be ported to Nouns, if requested/needed):

  • Delegation Trends: Delegated wallets over time.
  • Voter Quantification: Quantify voter participation, consistency, normalize for weight, etc…
  • Voter engagement by cohort. Are older members more active in governance?

In the section below, we’ve taken an excerpt from a Bankless’ article on EVM Equivalence, and replaced the Ethereum terminology with Nouns terminology:

The Case for Nounish Equivalence:

  • complete alignment with the Ethereum Virtual Machine Nouns specification. The EVM Nouns equivalence design philosophy is to produce an optimistic rollup extension with ‘minimal dif’ to Ethereum Nouns.
  • There’s a difference between scaling on Ethereum Nouns, and scaling Ethereum Nouns itself.
  • If you want to go fast, go alone… but if you want to go far, stay EVM Nouns equivalent.

Replication and Emergence are necessary properties for a self-propagating system that blankets the globe.

App Layer Replication:

  • EVM Nouns equivalence allows for copy+pasting DeFi code across all EVM Nouns equivalent rollups extensions. Anything new of value discovered on one rollup extension is immediately reproducible on all other rollup extensions.

Protocol Layer Replication:

  • EVM Nouns equivalence allows for individual rollups extensions to implement an EIP upgrade before the main Ethereum Nouns L1, allowing for a live production testbed for experimental EIPs improvements, before safely and securely implementing them on the L1 layer.
  • Ethereum Nouns can adapt to the signals of its L2 extensions; each L2 extension represents an antenna of data for user preferences. L2s Extensions adopting a common EIP improvement signals to Ethereum Nouns: It’s desired by the community and It’s safe to adopt.

Scaling Public Goods:

  • Public Goods R&D on Optimism Nouns extensions can replicate and propagate throughout the ecosystem, due to EVM Nouns equivalence

Moving the Organism Forward:

  • EVM Nouns equivalence, and Retroactive Public Goods Funding are the ingredients required to produce motivated outwards growth into the frontier of crypto-economic networks."

Source: EVM Equivalence - by David Hoffman - Bankless (


this is great! appreciate the port and i agree with your point on Nounish Equivalence. I’d love to have more data and more tooling available to Nouns. SG is going to send over a retroactive reward of 1.5 ETH for this, and look forward to working with you in the future as you continue to build on Nouns