Proposal:Nouns DAO must invest in Neurodiversity! “NeuroNounsLens⌐◨-◨” will change society


The dissemination of NeuroNounsLens⌐◨-◨ also embodies Nouns’ philosophy of respecting diversity. This enhances Nouns’ brand value and creates more opportunities for people to engage with Nouns.

"What is the reason behind my goal?”

“We can become anything!” The message I propose is:

“I am a person with ADHD, and my child has ASD and intellectual disabilities.”

As a parent of a child diagnosed with ASD and having received my own ADHD diagnosis, I struggled and felt anxious, unable to fit into the notion of being “normal.” Especially during the pandemic, being confined at home brought about feelings of anxiety and loneliness, intensifying my desire for human connection.
Amidst these daily struggles, I came across an audio broadcast that taught me the importance of accepting my anxieties and the significance of taking action to seize opportunities and create chance encounters. It was precisely at that time that I encountered the pNouns community.
Through interacting with fellow members in the community, I gained confidence in myself. Connecting with people in the Web3 world elevated my self-esteem and made every day more enjoyable.
Thanks to this experience, I was able to let go of the obsession with being “normal” and life became a little easier. I realized the importance of living my own life. The message I want to share with others who may be experiencing difficulties and loneliness like I did is, “We can become anything!”
However, I also recognized some challenges. For Neurodiversity to become more widely understood, it requires inventive methods to capture people’s interests.
This is because the concept of Neurodiversity remains largely unknown in Japan.

Reference:What is “Neurodiversity”?

“Neurodiversity” is all about understanding that brains, like people, come in all shapes and sizes. Conditions like autism or ADHD are not “wrong” or “bad”, they’re just different ways brains can work.It’s recognizing that everyone’s brain has its own unique operating system, affecting how we think, learn, and socialize.This viewpoint champions acceptance and inclusion, valuing everyone for their unique brainpower and talents.At its heart, neurodiversity is a celebration of human variety, reminding us that just like in nature, diversity makes us stronger and more vibrant.

Individuals with neurodivergent traits have few opportunities for self-awareness, and the challenges they face are often not readily understood by others, leading to feelings of isolation and difficulty in navigating life.

Therefore, I am determined to use ⌐◨-◨ to deliver positive messages to as many people as possible and spread awareness of Neurodiversity.

The experience of “NogglesJackTokyo” with ⌐◨-◨ is my driving force.

I am a member of pNouns, and we proposed prop228, which received support from NounsDAO. As a representative, I created samples of Noggles (pNounsNoggles).
During the event “NogglesJackTokyo,” I personally experienced the energy that emanated from the smiles and interactions of people wearing Noggles. This is why I have a strong motivation to “spread Noggles to the world!”
I firmly believe that the technology of NounsDAO and ⌐◨-◨ can be the key to addressing this challenge. This is because I realized that at “NogglesJackTokyo,” ⌐◨-◨ from Nouns is perfect as a hook to “capture people’s interest” creatively.

I believe that the philosophy of Nouns, which respects diversity, and the people who love Nouns should actively invest in Neurodiversity at this moment.

1. Project Objectives

The main objective of the project is to contribute to the expansion of awareness, understanding, and support for Neurodiversity. To achieve this, we will create and sell the “NeuroNounsLens⌐◨-◨” as a tool.

Project Target Values

● Launch new colors of “NeuroNounsLens⌐◨-◨” (hereinafter referred to as “NNL⌐◨-◨”) in line with the WARM BLUE campaign and organize events related to Neurodiversity.

● Donate a portion of the sales from the new colors to charities or creators supporting Neurodiversity.

● Manage funds to sustain the project’s activities in the long term.

Specific Activities to Achieve the Objectives

● Commercialize “NNL⌐◨-◨” as a tool to promote understanding of Neurodiversity.

● Provide educational information about Neurodiversity in the product to raise awareness.

● Hold the WARM BLUE campaign event in the spring of 2024.

● Announce new colors during the event to generate interest and discussions.

● Donate a portion of the sales to charities or creators supporting Neurodiversity.

● Approach companies and creators for collaborations based on the project’s achievements.

● Expand Pop-up stores and ⌐◨-◨ caravan activities.


Project Outcomes and Evaluation

Through phases 1 to 3, we aim to achieve the following:

● Organize the WARM BLUE campaign event for “NNL⌐◨-◨” (Spring 2024).

● Launch new colors of "NNL⌐◨-◨"during the event.

● Donate a portion of the sales from the new colors to charities or creators supporting Neurodiversity.

3.Funding Amount and Breakdown

Total Expenses 65ETH

4.Utilization of Sales Profits

The sales profits will be allocated to the following funds:

● Funds for sustaining the project in the long term.

● Production costs for new editions of “NNL⌐◨-◨” and related merchandise.

● Investment in activities to promote Nouns in Japan.

5.Fund Management

To enhance transparency and credibility of the project, the funds provided will be managed as follows:

● Establish a legal entity in Japan to manage the funds and operate the project.

● Share progress updates of the project through SNS voice broadcasts and text.

We are committed to building a sustainable relationship with Nouns.

6.Risk Analysis

Risk/Challenge Action Plan
Product quality issues Improve manufacturing processes and enhance quality control
lack of funds Develop a financing plan
Branding Failure Enhance team communication and clarify the purpose and direction of co-branding
Failure of marketing strategy Conduct market research once again and develop a marketing strategy tailored to the target market.

7.Product Overview

Collaborative Branding with "NOUNS BASE”

To enhance the product’s design and value, we will collaborate with KURAN, Founder, and Creator of “NOUNS BASE.” The world of “NOUNS BASE” is a secret base created by Nouns, and we will bring this concept into the branding.
Becoming a holder of KURAN’s “NOUNSBASE NFT” allows him to create a custom-made Noun for you. This original Noun, representing your alter ego, embodies the essence of “us” in the Web3 era.
Every time an original Noun for a holder is revealed by KURAN, the “NOUNSBASE” community members celebrate and welcome the birth of the unique Noun with great joy.
Respecting individuality is at the core of the world of “NOUNSBASE,” truly providing an “experience” of Neurodiversity.

Introduction to KURAN’s artwork

NOUNS BASE Holder Utility(Original Nouns)

“We can become anything!” Message.

The product name “NNL⌐◨-◨” embodies the fusion of Neurodiversity’s philosophy and Nouns’ principles. Through the iconic ⌐◨-◨ symbolizing Nouns, we elevate the unique perspectives and worldviews of individuals with different brain functions and characteristics, expressing their identities through wearable items.
Incorporating KURAN’s artwork into the package design, we collaborate with “NOUNS BASE” for branding, enhancing the allure of the product as a ⌐◨-◨ collector’s item.

Emphasis on Sophisticated Design and Detail


● Product Contents: Outer box, hard case, cloth, Noggle (eyeglasses)
● Material: Cellulose acetate
● Colors: Initial launch in 4 colors (Red, Grey, Yellow, Green)
● Size: Unisex
● Planned Retail Price: Below 0.1 ETH
● Planned Quantity: 900 (for the first round of sales)

With the cooperation of KISSO Co., Ltd. (, we have recreated the original size of Nouns⌐◨-◨ to create sample products. We aim to achieve both quality and environmental considerations by using sustainable cellulose acetate material. The front design and two-tone color lenses feature bold temples for a commanding presence. Additionally, we have added the pNouns’ mark “:zap:” to the temples for uniqueness. Careful attention has been paid to the design of the arms and nose pads to ensure comfort during extended wear. The colors were selected based on feedback from the sample products. To appeal to a broader audience, including those unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies, we have set a reasonable price to enhance purchasing motivation.

Branding Image

:arrow_forward: Luxury

The sustainable material “cellulose acetate” provides a high level of transparency and vibrant colors, creating a sense of luxury. The refined material, colors, design, craftsmanship, and the message behind the name all contribute to providing users with a delightful impression and confidence.

:arrow_forward: Unisex

The design is gender-neutral, emphasizing the importance of self-expression for diverse individuals.

:arrow_forward: Empowering Message

“We can become anything!”
We support individuals who value self-expression and individuality.
As a means of embracing personal diversity and a free style for self-realization, we offer the product "NNL⌐◨-◨”.


Utilizing Social Media

We will share visually appealing content showcasing the charm of colorful glasses on social media. We have already established connections with individuals who have tried our sample Noggles and continue to promote them on SNS. We are grateful to OTG.WTF’s ⌐◨-◨ aubtoshi and CHEFFO for wearing our sample Noggles and featuring our product. Thank you very much.

prop 218 project’s thaswami and the pNouns team posed for a commemorative photo wearing Noggles! This tweet had a significant impact, thank you very much.

On June 27th, during the Peace Festival “Pray for Peace Collection” held in Okinawa for the Memorial Day, painters Tagawa-san and Fukasawa-san also wore Noggles during their appearance. Thank you very much.

Moving forward, we will continue to connect with various Nouns communities and actively utilize social media to increase visibility and attract attention.

Spreading Positive Messages

We will share messages that support self-expression and individuality, fostering interactions with users. By creating a fun and positive impression, we aim to bring out confidence and smiles.

Charity: Collaboration with WARM BLUE Campaign

To raise awareness, we will introduce a new blue “NNL⌐◨-◨” in conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day. A portion of the proceeds from this limited edition will be donated to Neurodiversity charities and activities. Throughout the WARM BLUE Campaign, we will actively promote the blue color and the story of “NNL⌐◨-◨” through audio broadcasts, social media, and other media channels. This campaign demonstrates our commitment to supporting diversity and embracing challenges.

Investment Benefits for Nouns

The proliferation of “NNL⌐◨-◨” embodies Nouns’ philosophy of respecting diversity, which enhances the brand value of Nouns and encourages more people to use Nouns.

8.Sales Methods

In addition to sales through the Official Online Store, we will venture into grassroots activities by establishing Pop-up stores and participating in events to enhance communication with customers. This is our key strategy to expand Nouns in Japan.

Official online store

We will collaborate with “NOUNS BASE” to launch an Official Online Store targeting trend-sensitive and active individuals aged from their 20s to 50s. Featuring “NNL⌐◨-◨” as the main product, we will also offer other wearable goods as supplementary items, enticing customers to collect ⌐◨-◨.

Pop-up Store

We will explore physical retail by setting up temporary Pop-up stores at events and commercial facilities. This way, customers can experience the products in person, while we showcase the appeal and awareness of our products and Nouns.

Final Thoughts

The goal of this project is to contribute to Neurodiversity’s understanding and support through “NNL⌐◨-◨”. With the message of “We can become anything!”, we aim to raise interest in NeuroDiversity. Undoubtedly, “NNL⌐◨-◨” will be an effective tool to embrace diversity. We aspire to create a sustainable society where everyone can unleash their potential and be true to themselves. Together, we can achieve remarkable results!
Thank you for reading this proposal to the end.

Lastly, I’d like to share my favorite African proverb.

”if you want to go fast, go alone. if you want to go far, go together.”

Proposed by: くらげ(kurage)


Hi Kurage,
Everyone recognizes the quality of this noggle and is eagerly awaiting its commercialization. This is a big project, but please finish it.


Thank you for your warm comments, HIRO!
Through my favorite Nouns⌐◨-◨, I will make it my life’s work to educate people about Neurodiversity!
I would be really happy if I could not only create “NNL⌐◨-◨” but also spread Nouns through activities that can help someone’s mind to be liberated. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi Kurage!
I feel that this project is a wonderful opportunity to solve social issues with a Web3 theme / Nounishly ⌐◨-◨ . I support this project definitely!


My daughter also has a disability(ASD). I sincerely hope that nouns will go towards solving social issues. I support a future where NeuroNounsLens⌐◨-◨ becomes a symbol of this.


Hi, kurage

As a members of pnouns, I would like you explain your usage Noggles. This project was came from pnouns project basis. As my first imression, you are trying to use only your new direction witnout any cooperation pnouns project.


Thank you for your support. :heart_eyes:
I believe that my transmission will also lead to a good image of Nouns.

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You are a wonderful father who is there for your child.
I, as a concerned citizen, will be sending out information to make people aware of the scientific concept of Neurodiversity.
⌐◨-◨ Transformation by Noggle! ⌐◨-◨


Thank you for your input, HIRO.
I received a portion of the funds from your proposal, prop228, to create the sample noggles.
I thank hiro, “NogglesJackTokyo” and pNouns for giving me the chance. This is what I really want to do.

This proposal is a brushed up idea based on the mass production of Noggles as a kurage project.
I am not trying to “only use my new direction”.

I love pNouns and am proud to be a part of it.
I would be happy to start another dialogue from here with pNouns.




It’s great things to express your identites by creating products.
But if you want to spread way of neuro diversicity, you should explain more logical reason or clear evidence why it is benefitcial to nounsdao.

Also I have a big question about your proposal. There are no concrete images at all. I want you explailn visually the ways to manage campaign and websitesales. its easy to say do. Also. I would like to know how do you dedicate to whlole Nouns Communities. Specially Japanese Nouns communities not only NOUNSE BASE, but pNouns or NDJ.
Most of the time I spend time to make those images while I make plans. 65 eth is huge amounts of money. You have responsibilitiy to explain use them in details.

Besideds, nounsdao takes risk if sales are fail, not you, because every budgets are from nounsdao. If you truely want to encourage people who are fighing these desease, I think noggles should be free gifts for those people who need noggles or all sales should return to nounsdao.

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Neurodiversity is not a disease, but a characteristic of the brain. We want to do something about this lack of awareness.And the need for revenue is to ensure that this initiative is not a one-time thing, but a continuous one.


WOW!! Gruffdatsik san!!
Thank you so much for reading my proposal out of so many!
Your positive feedback is very encouraging! :heart_eyes:
Love from Japan!⌐◨-◨🌟アリガトウゴザイマス🎵

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Everyone has different characteristics and lives with them. Everyone has different characteristics and lives with them, no matter what their situation. I don’t think there is any connection between that and getting all the budget support and all the sales, and I think the methodology is different. I think there is a possibility of recruiting supporters through a fundraising campaign.

Hi Hiro, I read your content.
Thank you for your advice!.
I will give it some time to think about it.

Eiba san, thank you for the supplemental information! :blue_heart:
I appreciate your interest in the diversity of the brain. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No matter what the situation, everyone has different characteristics and lives with them. No matter what the situation, everyone has different traits and lives with them.

Thank you. You are right, ideas like this are a very important perspective to promote Nouns that value diversity.

I hope that Japan will become a better place to live and a wonderful society if there is an environment where people with difficulties in life can think positively and have a variety of choices.

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Thank you all for taking a look at my proposal.
And thank you also to those who commented on my proposal.

I am withdrawing this proposal at this time.
The reason is that I felt it needed to be reconsidered.
I will re-post a re-branded version soon.

“We can be anything!” And believe.
