Would love feedback on this idea that we are launching. Please see our proposed project below.
⌐◨-◨ Nounish Consultants
tl:dr: Offering a valuable new benefit to builders in the Nouns ecosystem supporting their efforts proliferating the meme. ⌐◨-◨
As the Nouns ecosystem expands, especially with the success of Prop House, we see nounish builders struggle with business aspects, strategy, management, legal and tax issues, and more.
We’ve also seen builders who have won grants get stuck in moving forward or those who have created proposals and drop off the radar after not winning.
We are experienced consultants of various expertise building a supportive network that assists nounish builders in their success. We want to help with the ramp-up of these projects and make sure that those who are building in the Nouns ecosystem have support for their ongoing efforts.
The idea:
⌐◨-◨ Create a private Discord with access to specific qualifying builders.
⌐◨-◨ Experts in the area of business, strategy, law, tax, marketing, and other areas as requested will hold workshops and office hours to assist both the group as a whole as well as one-on-one.
⌐◨-◨ Discord server access is available to Nouners, Nouncillors, proposal and small grants recipients, and prop house winners.
⌐◨-◨ Provide a space for founders/project leads to also share ideas/feedback with each other.
⌐◨-◨ Workshop topics and guest speakers are determined by the needs of builders.
⌐◨-◨ Start with a one-month trial/MVP to test out the market needs.
⌐◨-◨ For MVP trial, funding will be sought via small grants.
The Pilot/MVP:
⌐◨-◨ Cohort of 8 to 10 builders/founders/project leads for individual coaching, tailored workshops and calls, and founder support via a private discord.
⌐◨-◨ 4 week pilot program with one individual session per week, one group session per week and daily check-ins.
⌐◨-◨ Ideal candidates are leading a nounish project or business and would like support while building. Interested builders should contact either @emmavancrypto or @profwerder with questions or to apply for the pilot cohort.
Who we are:
⌐◨-◨ Emma @emmavancrypto (Twitter), @emma/nouns gal (Discord)
Nounish Thinker, Noun Delegate, Nouncillor, and early Nouns member.
Emma is Mike Judge’s NFT Manager and launched his first CC0 character on www.JoeSodium.com. She’s also advised companies with their NFT projects helping with strategy, business development, community building, operations, and scaling their businesses efficiently. She’s a former tech startup founder and has also advised a variety of CPG and technology startups at all stages. Emma’s excited to make a bigger impact by supporting creators and builders in the nouns community.
Nounish contributions:
⌐◨-◨ Introduced Mike Judge to the Nouns community
⌐◨-◨ Started a discussion to name the glasses which led to the name noggles
⌐◨-◨ Shared the idea for a rarity traits website which lead to Brian building https://www.nounsstats.wtf/rarity-stats
⌐◨-◨ Has nounish calls regularly with the community throughout the year including builders, new members, nouners
⌐◨-◨ Helped facilitate sales of nouns
⌐◨-◨ Nouncillor and Delegate
⌐◨-◨ Prof Werder (@profwerder, TheNounishProf.eth, kellywerder.eth)
Nounish builder, Nouncillor and Instructor at Florida Gulf Coast University in the School of Entrepreneurship. Prof Werder holds a Juris Doctor and MBA, with expertise in the area of copyright and trademark, along with overall business development. Prof Werder would serve as one of the co-founders and administrators of the project. Similar to work with her students, she looks forward to helping builders succeed with their projects and serving as a sounding board for those who need assistance.
Nounish contributions:
⌐◨-◨ Small Grant recipient for FloriNouns
⌐◨-◨ Created FloriNouns NFT project with her FGCU students
⌐◨-◨ Nouncillor from April, 2022 to present
⌐◨-◨ Guest co-host for The Noun Square/Noun-o-Clock
⌐◨-◨ Created and hosted first Noun-o-Clock Live at NFT.NYC
⌐◨-◨ One of 5 administrators of Lil Sisters Fund
⌐◨-◨ Co-creator of Watercolor Nouns (launching Aug 2022)