No-code interactive story game platform for nouns creators

Hi All - I’m Elko from the Storyverse team. I would love your feedback on my proposal!


  • Support creator ecosystem with a no-code interactive story game platform
  • Rig & animate all minted Nouns
  • Make animated Nouns accessible to creators on the platform
  • Seeking 23 ETH to:
    • Produce, rig and animate all minted Nouns art assets
    • Integrate all assets into an interactive story publishing platform
  • Funding would:
    • Unlock creation of fun story games for people to play
    • Provide a free, powerful platform resource for content grants and props
    • Unlock revenue potential for curated collections from select creators
    • Reduce technical threshold for people to make animated content


Storytellers shape narratives, build audiences and influence people. Through story, they create deep connections with characters and strong bonds among communities. Sometimes they even help define the identity of a generation. They are powerful brand ambassadors capable of driving viral moments and billions of impressions across a wide range of passionate, engaged audiences.

The no-code story game platform includes a choice engine that lets creators engage the community with choices throughout the story. Choices allow creators to gamify their stories and co-generate storylines with audiences. Choice analytics give creators insights into engagement and preferences. Readers who play along can increase the rarity of their Collectible Story.


Creating animated story games is virtually free so funding can accommodate larger numbers of talented participants who are able to make many more story games. Nouns-based houses, grants programs and proposals could take advantage of the no-code animation tools for a wide range of content initiatives.


Story games start conversations and encourage gameplay and interaction. They can be shared among friends or blasted out into large channels on social media. Discussions around hilarious memes, past chapters, proposed storylines or hand-wringing interactive choices are drivers of community interaction and community growth.


To create a story game, creators would select cast members from any of the available Nouns and use interactive story publishing tools to bring those Nouns to life. Creators would give Nouns names, thoughts, expressions; they would place them in various scenes or settings, and develop funny memes, interesting personalities, or engaging storylines. They would have license to pursue any genre they like - action, comedy, romcom, mystery, thriller, and more. Readers would play, make choices and win increasingly rare NFTs.


To maintain brand and quality standards, interested creators must apply for access to the platform. Access grants would be determined in conjunction with the relevant Nouns group, house, community, etc.


The creator economy has emerged as a juggernaut of economic activity. Our proposal empowers creators to create Nounish content, and, in some instances, earn from it. Revenue from minted Collectible Story games would help the creator community reduce its reliance on the NounsDAO treasury and would open up a self-sustaining path to content creation.

If a creator wants to earn revenue, they do so by launching their own collection of animated collectible stories - an interactive choice game their readers can play. They use Storyverse publishing tools to build the story game, and they use a StoryNFT smart contract to support the sale.

Here’s an example of how the standard smart contract divides up the available earnings after the platform terms and fees have been applied:

Available earnings on mint: 1000

  • Creator: 700
  • Owners of all Nouns in Storyverse share: 50
  • Owners of all Nouns starring in the Collectible Story share: 50
  • Storyverse platform fee: 200

Available earnings on secondary transaction:100

  • Creator: 50
  • Owners of all Nouns in Storyverse share: 7.5
  • Owners of all Nouns starring in the Collectible Story share: 7.5
  • Storyverse platform fee: 35

Current marketplace terms are varied and in flux. Our smart contract terms leave a path for creator revenue generation so long as platforms do.


Storyverse wants to unite people through play, decentralize animated content creation, drive greater engagement with web3 IPs, and provide next-gen revenue opportunities for creators. The project was founded by Zynga co-founder, Justin Waldron and websocket inventor Michael Carter. It’s a no-code story game platform and marketplace where creators sell animated, interactive story games to collectors.


There is a rapidly growing community of award-winning creators and influential degens working on collectible stories. Here are a few examples:

We would love to add Nouns.


Our budget request is 23 ETH

  • All minted Nouns animated in 2D and available for free to creators.
  • Support for all 422 basic traits (listed at nouns dot center/traits)
  • Support for approximately 3,500 traits that include animation assets needed for emotions, mouth, eyes and hands for the different body types.
  • A custom rig that supports all Nouns animations
  • 10 preset animations, including (e.g.) laughing, talking, scolding, surprise, and walking.
  • Assembly of the art assets on the assembler
  • Integration of the assembled art into the story game publishing platform
  • Mobile and desktop browser support, and more

With a team dedicated to this, delivery could be expected within four weeks. (Sorry! I wasn’t able to upload example animations.)


  • number of proposals that include story game concepts and content
  • number of Collectible Stories minted by creators
  • number of aggregate views of story games
  • Amount of revenue creators earn from Collectible Stories

Cool idea! It’s exciting to see nouns added in. I would like to know how many active creators are on your platform now?