Clarifying questions about proposals

Hello! I’m interested in the process for submitting a proposal for NounDAO’s consideration. I understand that two NounsDAO members need to submit a proposal in order for it to be voted on, but in the discourse it looks like non-members can submit proposals here that may or may not be picked up by interested members, do I have that right?

What is the best/preferred way for non-members to go about getting proposals infront of members?

Finally, can anyone provide me with the discord link if it is open to non-members? I seem to have joined one but after verifying I’m human I still don’t see any new channels, so maybe it’s dead?

Thank you all.


Hey Swapi, welcome! In Nouns anybody involved in the community can pursue funding. There’s a Prop House where small projects are put up and voted on in rounds (~2 ETH). There is a small grants for things like 3-7 ETH, and then on-chain. For on-chain you need two nouns to sponsor a prop. People who don’t own Nouns typically get involved in the community and subdaos and extensions and then learn the culture and get to know people which can open up opportunities to find help in sponsoring.

You are free to put your proposal up on Discourse anytime, but you will probably find a better path is to get involved in the community for a bit, get to know people and Nouns culture and then work on your proposal, but that’s not at all required. I would suggest getting in a couple Discords, listen to The NounSquare and jump right into the community.

There is no longer any official Discord…it’s broken up into many. “The Jungle” probably has the most Noun owners engaged and has some of the most in-depth conversations about props and the DAO. The Jungle

“Nouncil” is a group of Nounish builders that share in governance. Narrower focus in the Discord but a good way to meet some fellow builders and open up opportunities to present a prop. Nouncil

Hope that helps!


Hi guys,

I dont know if here is the best place to ask, but here we go.
Id like to know where and If there is a Media Kit of Nouns to be used on marketing and proposals.
I did not find it.

I also could not verify my entrance on Discord.

I don’t believe there is anything that resembles a media kit. Currently, the best collection of resources can be found at

I think he wants to know how to put small grants on-chain for approval.
I also don’t know that yet, discourse is only for debate isn’t it?

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Hey, small grants don’t go on-chain. They are informal requests…Discourse and tagging Small grants is a popular way to put something up for consideration. They have a Discord where you can probably get more connected: NSFW: Nouns Strategic Funding Works

Small grants (NSFW) is about getting the idea out there and the team to see your idea and interact with you. If you aren’t getting any traction, getting more involved in the community, getting to know people, and adding value to the ecosystem is a great step to then later bring more credibility to your idea.

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Thanks bro. Actually I found some pictures on internet and I’ll use it for my proposal.

great. Ill check the channel