Atenea: Redefining Nouniverse Navegability

We would love your feedback on our vision to make Atenea truly nounish. Your experience in Nouns can contribute to our efforts in assisting more community members.

TL;DR: Atenea - Empowering the Nouns DAO Community

  • Atenea: a virtual assistant for the Nouns DAO
  • Chat interface to interact with all the ecosystem, proposals, prophouse,lil nouns, etc.
  • Provides answers and support for Nouns community inquiries
  • Accessible via an embeddable on any Nouns website
  • Enhances user experience and fosters collaboration
  • Aims to convert new users into active community members
  • Independent and sustainable public good for long-term impact

Discover Atenea in Action


Join the Nouns revolution and unleash your nounish potential with Atenea!

Try our beta (max 10 questions per user due to infrastructure costs)

We all agree that it has been a year filled with a lot of activity, content, and achievements for Nouns.

Although all the activity and brilliant minds are what make our community so special, it also presents some challenges for new and existing members.

The continuous expansion of the DAO and the attraction of more talent inevitably result in cases where members miss out on proposals, communities, content, and people with whom they could truly create nounish things.

It would be great if we had a way to convert more new users into community members and provide comprehensive support to the talent within the DAO so that they can thrive alongside Nouns.

With this in mind, we have been developing Atenea.

We have created something that we know will provide unique support to all members of the community, from the person who encounters ⌐◨-◨ for the first time to the most experienced Nouner.

By providing assistance wherever it is needed, we can enhance the user experience on every single nounish web and within all the nounish Discord communities.

By interconnecting the entire ecosystem and guiding every user through the Nouniverse, we aim to help them discover Nouns and optimize their experience in a smooth and well-thought-out manner, designed to meet all their needs.

We have a clear plan outlining the timelines we can meet and the steps to bring Atenea to life and make it an independent and sustainable Public Good.

I have always believed that the ability to connect with talented individuals for the purpose of growing the community is what makes Nouns unique. Consistently, we desire to see this reflected across all aspects of Atenea.

Who is behind Atenea?
My name is Josep, and I am a student of Mathematics and Business. Over a year ago, I discovered Nouns, and since then, I have been actively contributing to the development of the Spanish-speaking Nouns community. Trying to combine my passion for Mathematics and software development with the community I deeply care about, I have spent the last six months exploring how I can better contribute to the DAO and its mission.

During this time, I have teamed up with two other mathematicians to conceptualize and develop a new navigational framework for the entire Nouniverse. Our goal was to create an integrated solution that would enhance accessibility and usability across the Nouns ecosystem.

Don’t forget to let us know how Atenea can help you enjoy everything that Nouns has to offer even more.

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I think this is a great idea. It’s pretty buggy right now, but I can see how it could be much more helpful after further development.

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