Final Draft: Nouns Whisky

Hey Crypto_Techn0x, thanks for sharing your opinion here.

  1. With this final draft, the distillery and the agency won’t be making money off the 100 barrels that the DAO will be funding. It will be up to us to sell additional barrels that will fund our time and effort over the next 36 months. The 100 barrels will be owned by the DAO, they can choose to sell them to the public or hold onto them or gift them to Nouns holders that can then decide what to do with their asset. Essentially if the DAO wants to recoup their investment of 82 Eth over the span of 36 months they have the option to do so.

  2. I think the main misconception about the “Nouns + My Business” model is that it doesn’t apply to Web3 builders. Essentially everyone that comes into the ecosystem runs their own business and pays tax on their income. So if a website builder receives funding, this in my mind is considered as “Nouns + His Business” regardless of the format. Almost every prop extracts dollars from the treasury to proliferate Nouns in some shape of form.

  3. As the DAO is only 526 Nouns into its lifespan with only a handful of physical products available to the public I’m sure you can understand with your spirit DAO idea why it is important that builders are able to pitch in the consumables category as it is a different form of proliferation and creates a different global community. In my opinion consumables will play a large part of the DAO becoming sustainable over the coming years as the floor price drops and supply increases.

  4. Down the line we will explore the possibility of creating a Nouns Whisky Marketplace where distillers from around the world will be invited to create their own version of Nouns Whisky and the public will be able to purchase bottles or barrels. This proof of concept can be seen at Our end goal is to create a global community of Nouns whisky lovers and traders.

For your interest, we have 2 more versions of this pitch as it took us a while to understand how the pitching process works.

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