Proposal: FOMO v2

Also wanted to add some notes, as I have mentioned in the proposal, I have created the Fomo mobile apps on iOS and Android, or more precisely speaking, beta versions of Fomo apps. I spent quite some time thinking about Fomo while creating the mobile apps proposal and while working on the beta apps. Though the proposal for full-scale mobile apps didn’t happen due to a bit of lack of interest from nouners (you can get into history on that in this discourse post), I have found myself left with a big amount of thoughts and ideas on how to make the Fomo better. And this proposal is the direct result of that (though, it was after 9999 spent some time to get my attention to the web fomo. Don’t know if he actually likes what I finally proposing here, but I hope it’ll be net positive in the end).

In the future, I plan to spend some of my time on Fomo mobile apps, but it mainly will be in support mode with some small additions here and there, and tiny compared to the time spend on web dev, as I decided to wait till apps get bigger user base before actively getting back to them(you can read more on that in this post)

Would really love to hear everyone’s thoughts here

Love nounish, love fomo :white_heart: