Derivative Proposal - Zouns

What is up community!

Bagu and Crowgirl have teamed up to bring you Zouns (zombie+Nouns), a darker/horror inspired spin-off of Nouns.

Zouns is meant to be a fun project to help me learn frontend development, solidity development, and thought it would be a cool way to spread Nouns.

We would like to make an official Proposal to the NounsDao to help launch Zouns.

We are asking for funding to cover contract development and deployment. Assistance with this launch would allow us to further proliferate the NounsDao by reaching a new or niche audience.

Funds Requested: 1.5 ETH for contract development and .5 ETH for deployment.

Our team is:
A Nouns community member will be our primary dev for the smart contracts.
Bagu is handling front end dev and secondary solidity dev.
Crowgirl is our artist.

Our current plan is to mint 1 NFT every 666 minutes. We will have a cap, but are currently unsure if it will be time-based or total number of NFTs.

Any NFTs not bid on will go back to our Zouns wallet so we don’t lose them.

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Hey BaguHanto! Nice artwork you have there!

My only question is, what utility will the NFT offer? With how the space is shifting I think NFTs for just artwork isn’t going to be really viable. How do you plan on transcending the Nouns space with Zouns?

Thanks again!

What up whiteclaw! Thanks! We got a ton more in the pipeline.

My only question is, what utility will the NFT offer?
At the moment there is no utility for Zouns. It was meant to be my first major coding project in the web 3 space and a fun way to proliferate Nouns.

How do you plan on transcending the Nouns space with Zouns?
No plans to transcend, just wanna do something fun and see where it goes.

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