Nouns Clients Prop #646 - Nouns Multi Auction Tracker


We submitted a proposal in the Noun Client prop house for the Auction Tracker, but we also wanted to open up a thread here to gather more input and feedback from the community on the tool, since it’s actually live and available for use today.

Proposal: Prop House

Auction Tracker v1 (LIVE): NounsTown

As mentioned in our proposal, we built the Tracker tool initially to scratch our own itch during the rollout of the NounsTown platform. We wanted a single dashboard to keep an eye on all the Nounish auctions (Nouns, Lil Nouns, Lost Nouns, Gnars, NounsTown) so we could compare and contrast activity across various platforms.

Over the course of the last several weeks, we have also received multiple requests from Nouners to open source and deploy the Tracker as a stand-alone client. Ultimately we do want it to serve as a public utility and as a platform that people can add onto and fork themselves.

Here are more details on our proposal and next steps for us:

Next steps

Full code rewrite
This will be a full rewrite, not just a port - we initially just tacked this on to our fork of the nouns-monorepo for NounsTown, but it should be a standalone code base so that people can easily build on it or fork it themselves. Right now if you try to deploy the Tracker as is it will spin up a whole new Nouns fork :frowning:

Optimize on-chain calls
As part of the rewrite, we need to reduce the number of on-chain calls, it’s way too heavy at the moment and requires a big paid Infura/Alchemy account. We can’t expect people to fork the repo if it comes with a hefty bill to get it up and running.

Save user preferences
We have features like Push Notifications, where you can select which auction to get browser notifications on whenever there’s a new bid of auction, but the platform currently doesn’t remember your selections in between visits. We have also had requests for features such as filtering, sorting, and changing stat ranges, but without saving this locally it would be tedious to ask the user to do this every time.

Filter/sorting/changing stat ranges
Select which auctions you want to see, and in what order. Allow for the user to change the stats (e.g. show me the average price across the last 25 auctions).

Easily add on new Nouns extensions
As the 1-click-nounsdao project comes to market, there will be an explosion of Nounish auctions coming to market, so we want to make it easy for anyone to have their project added to the tracker.

Social elements
Add social elements, such as how many people are “tracking” at the moment (similar to FOMO Nouns), social sharing, chat, or other activities while you’re tracking your auction.

Data analytics
Show more historical data, ability to step back through older auctions, other analytics. Show the full list of bidders on each auction and basic stats on each one, as well as show cross-extension activities.

Future features

Automated bids

Ability to trustlessly set custom bidding parameters per auction, so that you don’t have to watch the dashboard all the time. Ability to auto-bid based on different Noun attributes.

Noun Extension profiles
Show data (e.g. treasury, number of unique holders, floor price, etc) per extension listed on the Tracker.

External messaging
Set up messaging alerts beyond push notifications via EPNS, Blockscan chat, or email/SMS

Feature Requests

What other features would you like to see in the Auction Tracker? Please check out the tool yourself and let us know below, thanks!

Juan & Sam

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Forgot to mention, we are deciding between the following two domains for the standalone Auction Tracker site. Please let us know which one you prefer:


Here are the logos for each one as well for you to review.

nouns tracker-wtf-logo-01


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NounsTracker makes more sense to me, but you should probably buy auctions as well as an investment. Ha!

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We actually picked up both domains already :muscle:t4: , just trying to decide now which one to actually use for the Tracker site.

I’ve been visiting the auctions site every day since you got it. Easy to remember. I’d stick with it!