The Nouns Press Corps - [Rolling Updates]

Issue 3: Week 36: (September 4 to September 11, 2022)

Substack Link: Week 36: Nouns in the News - Round Up - by Rekola

Links, for you to read…

First, we pitched these three journalists directly, and although they did not write exclusively on Nouns, they did work us into their articles this week. These are our first three Earned Media articles!

Here’s a quick cut of other Earned Media for Week 36: (September 4 to September 11, 2022), not exhaustive:

Metrics, let’s dive in…

Here’s a quick round-up of the Nouns Press Corps work metrics for Week 36: (September 4 to September 11, 2022).

First, “Earned Media” - there were fourteen (14) articles published online that cited Nouns. With three of those articles resulted from direct communications with those journalists The top 5 Noun topics covered were: Nouns in General, Nouns Esports, Nouns’ Forks, and Nouns Philosophy, among others.

Second, “Reporter Integration” - we processed twenty-three (23) reporters into our Press List database. Bringing the Nouns Press Corps Press List to seventy-five (75) total journalists across thirty-three (45) media outlets. Additionally, we pinged ten (10) reporters to network and connect about Nouns.

Third, “Nouns Press Corps Impressions” - between our Twitter handle (807 impressions) and our Nouns in the News Substack (170 impressions), we reached a total of 977 impressions, this week, across those channels.

See you all next Sunday!

— The Nouns Press Corps

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