Small Grants: Noun Mural inside Micro-noun-bed-n-breakfast at Dreamseed


G.t. Press here! (@GuerrillaThink on twitter) not a noun-holder.


In late 2020, early 2021, the City of Olympia, WA, USA partnered with a small start-up natural building company called Earth Homes LLC to coordinate volunteers to help build “microhouses” for the homeless. You can watch this 2.5 minute video about it:

Then yours truly and a few others decided it would be cool if we got a microhouse donated to our start-up non-profit to help raise awareness, get donations, and even sell some NFTs or auction it off. We hired local artist Jeremy Soper to paint it at the Olympia Farmer’s Market in summer of 2021.

You can see that story in smaller bites on twitter if you scroll down on the timeline of the profile: @ eggdaocoop (formerly @ solidarityart) After failing to launch the auction due to paperwork snafus (non-profiting is hard!), we decided to scuttle the non-profit, return the donations, pay the artists, and take on the debt of the project, in order to reboot it as a for-profit cooperative.

On the business side, a cooperative was formed called the Evergreen Game Guild Meta Co-Op LCA. With all of our business paperwork out of the way, we’re ready to relaunch - this time in coordination and collaboration with Academic programs at The Evergreen State College.

For a while, the microhouse floated from place to place trying to find a suitable home and a suitable purpose. How would the story end? How would it serve its purpose of providing financial or housing support to those suffering from homelessness?

Enter, Dreamseed, an landed artist’s collective in Monroe, WA, that heard about our project and passions. The artists of Dreamseed and I got to brainstorming about the microhouse and came up a with a few ideas:


The outside of the microhouse is painted. But what about the inside? Why not nouns? This microhouse could function as a “micro-noun-bed-n-breakfast,” where visitors to the artist collective can spend the night in an immersive nouns-inspired environment? We have a talented team of artists willing to contribute.

Furthermore, what if use of this “micro-noun-bed-n-breakfast” were governed by NFTs and smart contracts*? Or at the very least had on-chain 100% transparency with built-in automated funding of homelessness focused non-profits and projects via endaoment or other systems?

We’d like to explore the tangible realities of how to experiment with the technologies to make them a useful and functional way to book a room on a private property. Whatever we accomplish with the tech, would be open-sourced to the community. Our most radical idea is to make the function of booking a room fund a particular wallet which then can be given to a sponsored homeless person who needs a hand up.

We decided that the muralized microhouse would fit into the aesthetic of the property (which includes several other art installations and amazing permaculture projects!). We also thought that an Alternate Reality Game Scavenger Hunt* with nouns hidden throughout the property would be a fantastic expansion project.

Ultimately, Dreamseed aims to host private events hosted by artists for DAOs, start-ups and other communities in a beautiful forested eco-village retreat center. Currently in renovations, Dreamseed is raising funds through small projects to finish ongoing projects and begin welcoming guests and visiting artists.

*will be listed in a separate proposal.

Cleaning the microhouse
Painting a nouns mural designed/inspired by nounsdao inside of the microhouse
art installation: a micronoun experience: furniture, art, sculptures, you name it!

$1000: Paint, paint supplies, artist’s effort & time = 1 basic nouns mural
$2000: 1 basic nouns mural + extra artists = 1 complex nouns mural
$5000: 1 complex mural + basic furnishings
$15K: 1 complex mural + customized furnishings (like hand-carved edging, flip-up desks, fancy shelving, a nice bed, etc)
*$20K+: Production quality will only go up. We have a highly talented team of artists that want to work on paying projects. *
$50K+: Upgrade to infrastructure in an around the microhouse on the Dreamseed property, landscaping, water, electronics, etc.

we’d be happy to share in a voice chat or call.

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Both of your props slipped by me somehow. I’m going to respond in Nouncil, but just wanted to let you know that someone read it! We’ll chat over there.

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