Small Grants: AR/XR Eco-village-system wearables: custom, battery operated, mini NFT devices

Hello! G.t. Press here! (@GuerrillaThink on Twitter) not a noun holder. This is the second proposal in a series of proposals.

Tinker and engineer with existing technologies to create novel use cases - such as alternate reality gaming mechanics that allow you to unlock geocaches via NFTs, trade NFTs like pokemon, and even quality narrative interactions.

Buy 20x custom NFTYDAZE from @ punksgan (Snar)

Design & Curate a customized gamified narrative experience in collaboration with Dreamseed, @ punksgan (creator of NFTYDAZE, engineer/dev/artist), TechPraxis (engineer/dev/artist), G.t. Press (artist/designer/business/playtester), and 2-3 Nouns holders who are qualified and have the time to be contributing at high levels to this project.

$10K to start for initial purchase from @ punksgan + other gear / testing equipment.
$25K a month, $5K for @ punksgan, $5K for G.t. , $5K for TechPraxis SPC, $5K for Dreamsee for infrastructure improvements/ art installations, $5K for materials/purchasing.

LOCATION: Dreamseed, artist’s collective in Monroe, WA, USA


please see this post here:

Quoted from post: "What if use of this “micro-noun-bed-n-breakfast” were governed by NFTs and smart contracts? Or at the very least had on-chain 100% transparency with built-in automated funding of homelessness focused non-profits and projects via endaoment or other systems?

We’d like to explore the tangible realities of how to experiment with the technologies to make them a useful and functional way to book a room on a private property. Whatever we accomplish with the tech, would be open-sourced to the community. Our most radical idea is to make the function of booking a room fund a particular wallet which then can be given to a sponsored homeless person who needs a hand up.

We decided that the muralized microhouse would fit into the aesthetic of the property (which includes several other art installations and amazing permaculture projects!). We also thought that an Alternate Reality Game Scavenger Hunt* with nouns hidden throughout the property would be a fantastic expansion project.

Ultimately, Dreamseed aims to host private events hosted by artists for DAOs, start-ups and other communities in a beautiful forested eco-village retreat center. Currently in renovations, Dreamseed is raising funds through small projects to finish ongoing projects and begin welcoming guests and visiting artists."