Nouns + Film3 at NFT NYC

Nouns, naturally supporting Film3

Nouns is sitting at the forefront of the Film3 movement. With Propositions 29, 32, 53, and 70, NounsDAO is actively contributing to the rapid growth and development of Film3 by supporting some of its most high-profile projects and creators.

Cannes Film Festival '22 lit the match for Film3 garnering attention from the entire film industry. Calladita’s has recieved major press coverage and the exponential growth of new filmmakers and projects joining this space makes it clear that a new cultural movement is growing.

Let’s add fuel to the fire!

Film3 x NFT NYC

NFT Film Squad (in partnership with NounsDAO?, BBDAO, Calladita, Flinch, Beem, and other partners) is producing Titans of Film3, in New York City on June 21st. This event is set to host a panel and networking party at High Bar from 6pm-4am. We have the option to secure the Chelsea Music Hall in the Lower East Side during the day on June 21st to host a screening for projects like Calladita, Flinch, and more.

This event will put an industry spotlight on Film3 and the people pushing it forward with a web3 ethos. With the possibility to disrupt many aspects of the way films and television shows are financed, produced, exhibited, and consumed we want to make sure every creator knows of and understands these tools and the possibilites they unlock.

Let’s make this an event to remember and make it Nounish!

Funding Request: 25E

By NounsDAO helping fund this expansion we will recieve Title Sponsorship of the entire event including 20+ invites, a panel discussion on Prop 70, inclusion in all PR services provided by Name PR agency, and Nounish art/activations in and around the spaces.

This will tie in nicely with the other initiatves around NFT NYC including our Nounish video coverage, Nouns on the Ground and more.


Sounds awesome!
I love how much film is happening already with NounsDAO and showcasing it like this is such a great idea!

I’m all for this.

One question, what would the art/activations consist of/look like?


Thank you for the comment and question, @Benbodhi!

The art/activations at the Titans of Film3 event (at the High Bar located in midtown Manhattan) would include a dedicated branded VIP space at the venue itself, branding throughout the space, and inclusion in overall media outreach/PR/social efforts in addition to talk onstage panel.

At the Chelsea Music Hall, Nounish art and activations could include all of the above-mentioned things and be even more extensive.


Sounds really cool!
Best of luck with it, I love the idea.