Nouns featuring top athletes

Hi Nounders! I am a big fan of the Nouns project and have great relationships with top athletes (specially NBA players). It would be cool to brainstorm together on how we can introduce nouns to them. My idea is to merge their personal brands with Nouns. Any ideas?

Appreciate your enthusiasm - I see no value in going after the big name sports players, right now - they have a much higher cost and their audience wouldn’t be as privy to NFTs. So, you’re spending a lot of money with really little to no impact on your brand - to add, even if there was something like “nouns” on a jersey, it’s not SEO optimized and people would have a hard time making the association. When you see something like “FTX”, they are the top Google result.

Better to invest in lesser known athletes in things more popular with younger generations (e.g. e-sports / rock climbing) where you can also have a larger impact.

Appreciate the feedback. The goal of this post is to brainstorm on how to merge the Nouns brand with the NBA player brand. I believe that Nouns are very well known in the NFT space and the main challenge is to break into the mainstream internet culture. Athletes / celebrities could help expedite the process (that IMO is inevitable) and the cost could be minimal if the athlete / celebrity can monetize on their own.
SEO optimization? the partnership / collab between Nouns and athletes should be omni-channel. That being said, 80% of the action should take place in the NFT context, the internet.

Hi @KDN87
Just wanted to chime in and say that Nouns Athletes exists and GnarsDAO are the stewards of extreme athletes to get them funded for travel and such.
Not quite what you’re talking about, I know, but there may be opportunity in there.