Fund the Orcanauts to Develop Organizational Bootstrapping Plan for NounsDAO

My opinion is that the Orcanauts would be a good partner. It is in the Nouns’ best interest to work with people who are motivated to contribute and have the skills to meaningfully do so, but are not (yet?) full DAO members. This is especially important because the daily auction rate-limits membership growth.

I am sure the Orcanauts would be happy to schedule another demo of for you and any other Nouns who were unable to attend.

I will defer to their team on the details here, but several prominent communities in the DeFi space are in the process of integrating Orca.

The first deliverable of this project is just a report and subsequent proposal. To me this satisfies “do no harm,” but I would love your ideas on ways to ensure the interview process doesn’t harm the Nouns culture.

Yes, I mentioned this to the other Nouns on the demo but good callout, I should have put this in my first response to this thread.

I am an investor in a fund that invested in Orca. My exposure to Nouns is somewhere on the order of 20-40x larger :slight_smile: but both organizations are awesome and I would love for them to work together.